Tuesday 19 July 2011

still running

There have been few changes in my running routine since I started the daily run. The most significant has been allowing myself to take a day off if I want to. Giving myself permission to do that didn’t open the floodgates to daily excuses like I thought it might. Instead I’ve found myself taking one or two days off a week. What I haven’t changed is that even if I don’t go out for a run, I still get out of bed at pretty much the same time. In almost three months I haven’t got out of bed later than six a.m.

The early mornings are important to me and I hope they will form the keystone for my morning routine forever. Waking up before the children tell you its time to wake up gives you that little bit of a head start on the day. I’ve at least downed a cup of coffee and got showered before anyone else wakes. Small victories like this help keep me in a good mood for the rest of the day.

What to do with that head start though? I’m a writer so my first priority should be to contribute something to my writing day. However, I still haven’t identified when my muse is most productive. Rarely at six a.m. do I find it easy to crunch out a thousand words. But I’m equally struggling if I write very late before bed. I have a feeling, I’m most productive at around mid-morning but that is extremely inconvenient when you’ve a full time job to commit to. I guess it’s actually a bit of compromise and I’ve trained myself to write when I can.

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