Monday, 12 December 2011

I promised you (me) that I'd update you (me) on my novel progress. Now that Nanowrimo is over I can say it's been a mixed success.

First up, I didn't complete my novel. That was a bit of a day dream really. Second up, I didn't reach 100,000 words by the end of November. I did get to 92,000. So, although I could get annoyed by my lack of completion, I'm satisfied (if not exactly ecstatic) that I managed to write as much as I did in November. Nano got me into a steady writing pattern that I'm grateful for.

So what next?

Well, most obvious answer is 'complete the first draft of the novel'. I don't even think there's that much to do on it. 20,000 words would be enough to get the story finished. If I could get back into the 1,000 words a day habit that would only be 20 days. 20 days! I could be finished by January 1st. Hey, now that sounds like a plan.